15 April 2005

15th April 2005
Luxfer Gas Cylinders will play a major part in helping a team of British doctors reach the summit of Mount Everest in 2007 by donating revolutionary Luxfer Superlite™ cylinders capable of delivering oxygen in a closed circuit breathing system for up to 20 hours.

Xtreme Everest, a research expedition coordinated by the Centre for Aviation Space and Extreme (CASE) environment medicine will be the first study of its kind to determine how observations on the body's reactions to low oxygen levels at extreme altitude can ultimately help critically ill patients in intensive care.

By using recent advances in firefighters closed systems, the CASE team plans to develop a lightweight closed circuit capable of filtering expired CO2 through a soda lime canister and storing it in a reservoir to prevent excessive loss of heat and water.

Vicky Butler, Luxfer's European Marketing Manager adds:

"We are extremely proud to be associated with such an important research project and feel confident that Luxfer's Superlite cylinders will prove to be an invaluable piece of equipment during the arduous climb."

Schedules for initial testing on the closed circuit are provisionally planned for:

  • May - Wales/French Alps
  • June -  Hypobaric Chamber/Farnborough
  • July -  French Alps
  • September -  Cho Oyo Himalayas

For further information about Luxfer Gas Cylinders please contact 0115 980 3839.