7 July 2004

7 July 2004
Actors filming Yorkshire TV's major new seven-part drama Steel River Blues are breathing a sigh of relief thanks to revolutionary Superlite cylinders on loan from Luxfer.
Weighing in at a fraction the weight of traditional steel cylinders, Luxfer's Superlite cylinders helped lighten the load for actors wearing SCBA during long hours of filming and training. The hard-hitting series explores the lives and working challenges of Blue Watch, a fire-fighting team based in the industrial heart of Middlesborough.

The cast of TV regulars including Daniel Casey (Midsomer Murders), Kelly Wenham (Where The Heart Is) and Charles Dale (Coronation Street) were put through their paces during intensive training for scenes involving stairs and confined spaces to prepare them for filming under extreme conditions. Producer Ken Horn says; "We've assembled an excellent writing team and the scripts we've developed have a strong action element fused with some fascinating characters and stories told with a dark comic vein." Steel River Blues is scheduled for release in Autumn 2004 on ITV 1.